amfAR's Kenneth Cole Launches End AIDS Coalition at 9th International AIDS Conference on HIV Science


Today at the International AIDS Conference on HIV Science, leaders in the global AIDS response and Kenneth Cole, American fashion designer, amfAR Chairman of the board and UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador, launched the End AIDS Coalition (EAC) -- a collaboration of leading AIDS experts, scientists, clinicians, policy-makers, faith leaders, businesses, activists and humanitarians working together to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

"We are at a 'tipping point' in the fight against AIDS, with a quickly-closing window of opportunity," said Mr. Cole, End AIDS Coalition Founder. "If we do not act now, and act together, to gain control of this global epidemic, it may never be possible and the costs in both funding and human lives would be catastrophic."

The EAC and its partners are working to accelerate progress towards the UNAIDS 2016 Political Declaration to end AIDS by 2030 with increased collaboration, transparency and accountability. Looking at the global AIDS response holistically, the EAC is amplifying and aggregating plans, targets and data from partners across prevention, treatment, cure, and vaccine sectors.

"Innovation and research are critical and must be the cornerstone of our efforts. We cannot lose our sense of urgency. Without collaboration and investment in innovation, we will never be able to end AIDS by 2030," said Michel Sidib�, UNAIDS Executive Director.

Building on the work of partners, the EAC will:

  • Focus the global AIDS response -- linking research, resources and implementation -- around one goal; to end the epidemic by 2030;
  • Encourage the aggregation and analysis of data from the global AIDS response to identify barriers and encourage efficiencies, with a focus on specific populations and locations at risk (micro-epidemics);
  • Inspire a movement to mobilize and engage the energy and creativity of the next generation, a critical step in achieving success over the next three to five years.

    "Globally speaking, preventing HIV remains a major challenge particularly among young women and girls. Now is not the time to slow down responses or investments to the epidemic. If we don't act now we could reverse the gains made to date. By collectively focusing on a common goal through the EAC, we will be able to link research to funding and implementation, which, in turn, will accelerate the widespread use of innovation and expedite the end of the epidemic," said Quarraisha Abdool Karim, Epidemiologist and Associate Scientific Director for the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA).

    The EAC launch this morning included remarks from leaders in the global AIDS response:

  • Michel Sidib�: Executive Director of UNAIDS;
  • Ambassador Deborah Birx: U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator & U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy;
  • Dr. Marijke Wijnroks: Interim Executive Director for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;
  • Honourable Dorcas K. Makgato: Minister of Health & Wellness of Botswana;
  • Quarraisha Abdool Karim: Epidemiologist and Associate Scientific Director for CAPRISA;
  • Kenly Sikwese: Coordinator at the African Community Advisory Board (AFROCAB);
  • Midnight Poonkasetwattana: Executive Director at the Asia Pacific Coalition on Sexual Male Health (APCOM);
  • Jake Glaser: Founder of Modern Advocate and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics AIDS Fund (EGPAF) Ambassador.

    A newly-formed entity, the EAC will launch a global, consumer-facing campaign in 2018 to align the global narrative with targeted advocacy and inspire everyone everywhere to recognize the challenges and ultimately be part of the solutions.

    The End AIDS Coalition (EAC) is an international cross-sector, non-partisan movement working to build unprecedented collaboration with clear deliverables, transparency and accountability around a shared goal -- to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. It's a mission that requires the most skilled and committed scientists, clinicians, policy-makers, faith leaders, businesses, visionaries, activists, and humanitarians to come together. To work together. To fight together. To win together. That's the commitment of EAC and its partners. This is the beginning of the end of the AIDS epidemic.

    For more information, visit and like and follow @EndAIDS2030 on Facebook and Twitter.

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